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toys / skill toys / DUSUBBA BALANCE GAME

Removing any piece from any part of the tower and placing it again to the top of the tower without partly or fully damaging the tower. 

Balance skills,Hand-eye coordination skill, Fun
Age & Number of Players:
4 years & above / 2 or 2-4 player(s)

How to Play:
Pieces are placed as groups of 3 to form each floor and floors are formed as one on another and as 90 degrees opposite the former floor.
Players select and remove one piece from any part of the tower and then place it on the top of the tower one by one.
As a rule, they have to remove the piece that they touch.
Only one hand can be used when removing a piece from the tower. It is forbidden to touch by the other hand.
It is forbidden to remove a piece from the 2nd floor from the top if the top floor is not fully completed yet.
If the tower partly or fully falls down during removing a piece and placing it again to the top, that player looses the game.

When starting a new game, it is the looser player's responsibility to rebuild the tower for a new game.

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